Bluegrass Cavern: Meet the Kernels

What Makes Us Distinctive

Organic food is quite literally gaining ground as consumers are paying more attention to where a product is grown, how the product is grown, and where the product is processed. People care about a company’s causes and want to connect with organizations that rise to meet the societal and environmental demands of today. If you’re conscientious about your brand purchases, you may have caught yourself lately analyzing product packaging with these concerns in mind. As organic food skyrockets in popularity, with more options than ever, you want to make the most educated choices as a consumer.

Grocery Aisle

Bluegrass Cavern offers non-GMO, vegan-friendly, USDA organic popcorn, grown, and processed right here in Kentucky. Our red and blue organic popcorn kernels are a true novelty, being all but impossible to find stateside through other vendors. Most red and blue kernels sold in the U.S. aren’t actually organic—some advertise they’re “natural,” but without the organic certification, these products have not attained the high standards needed to be certified organic. The more delicate nature of the colorful varieties, along with financial and regulatory roadblocks, make red and blue organic popcorn a rarity that we’re very proud to bring to your table.
United States map showing KentuckyYellow popcorn, on the other hand, makes up the vast majority of the popcorn sold and is the easiest to grow, however, most is grown using pesticides and herbicides. Our colorful kernels fall into the small percentage of popcorn sold that isn’t yellow! Our varieties are virtually hull-less and have a nuttier or sweeter taste, depending on the type.

Bluegrass Cavern Kernel’s organic popcorn farm is located directly over a large cave system, which provides pristine water quality and a natural canopy of protection for the immense variety of inhabitants below. This pure farm does not use herbicides or pesticides, so as to not harm the thriving ecosystem below. Our cave is host to all kinds of life forms who call the cave home, such as beetles, crayfish, crickets, salamanders, and of course bats!

Kentucky SpelunkerPhoto by: Christopher Morris

Bluegrass Cavern’s mission is to preserve natural habitats, such as our cave’s ecosystem, while providing healthier food alternatives and supporting causes that promote healthier lifestyles and food options. In service of this purpose, we support a number of impactful organizations, such as Speleological Societies, Organic Farmers, and the preservation/conservation of natural habitats.

Organic Popcorn farm,  Bluegrass Cavern - cave systsem, Wildlife habitatsPhoto credits: Corn field by Flightdubs, LLC; KSS Spelunkers Christopher Morris; Habitats by Barry Adams

Thank you for joining us on this journey!



About the Author

Bluegrass Cavern


Popcorn Credit 

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